Geografi cari pengertian evaporasi presipitasi kondensasi transpirasi adveksi infiltrasi perkolasi runoff menjelaskan tentang siklus hidrologi proses siklus hidrologi letagerlachulv – June 09, 2023
Matematika [tex]2 \times \frac{1}{3} + 2 \times \frac{2}{5 } = [/tex]bantu jawab ya butuh banget letagerlachulv – June 08, 2023
Matematika sisiwa kelas VI terdiri atas 64 sisiwa perempuan dan 48 siswa laki laki. siswa akan di dibagi menjadi beberapa kelompok. jumlah siswa perempuan tiap kelompok sama banyak, begitu juga sisiwa laki".paling banyak kelompok yg dapat di bentuk adalah letagerlachulv – June 08, 2023
IPS Tuliskan satu tokoh terkenal dari Kerajaan Mataram kuno dan Kediri Singhasari atau Majapahit Lalu buat cerita singkat mengenai tokoh-tokoh yang kamu tuliskan letagerlachulv – June 07, 2023
Matematika sekarang tinggal duduk di kelas 6 umur Dinda keseluruhan 1 lustrum setengah dekade dan 4 semester dan 1 caturwulan umur Dinda sekarang adalah pliss kk bantuin letagerlachulv – June 07, 2023
Akuntansi Berikut adalah data-data yang diperlukan untuk menyusun rekonsiliasi bank PT Goran Perkasa untuk bulan Desember 2017. 1. Saldo menurut bank per 31 Desember 2017 sebesar Rp115.716.000 2. Saldo menurut buka perusahaan per 31 Desember 2017 sebesar Rp100.100.000 1 Cek yang masih beredar per 31 Desember 2017 adalah Rp45.297.000 4. Terdapat cek kosong sebesar Rp1.150.000 per 31 Desember 2017 yang berasal dari pelangge Goran Perkasa. 5. Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2017, cek yang diterbitkan sejumlah Rp1.162.000 milik Minns Co. dicit oleh bank dengan mendebit rekening PT Goran Perkasa 6. Penerimaan atas wesel tagih yang diterima oleh barik pada tanggal 10 Desember 2017 adalah sebagai beri Nilai pokok Rp2.000.000 80.000 Bunga Biaya penagihan Rp2.000.000 15.000 2015.000 7. Bunga yang diperoleh dari bank untuk bulan Desember 2017 sebesar Rp716.000. & Setoran dalam perjalanan per 31 Desember 2017 adalah Rp30.150.000. letagerlachulv – June 07, 2023
Ujian Nasional benda 2 kata, cara benda ini di pakai di tekan tombolnya, dan mempunyai mesin letagerlachulv – June 07, 2023
B. Arab tolong di jawabngasal di laporinno ngasalkalo gak ngasal tercerdas letagerlachulv – June 07, 2023
Matematika Hellow zelamat ziang >3123 × 456 = ??Pake cara susun ke bawah -,-Makazih kakz U^U letagerlachulv – June 06, 2023
B. inggris Bananas are found in tropical regions of the world where the climate provides plentiful rain and many hours of sunshine for most of the year.This enables bananas to be grown and picked all year round.The majority of the bananas eaten in the UK are improted from the Windward Island in the Caribbean. Banana plants grow from a small root to a heigth of about three meters. They produce suckers,one of which is allowed to grow to its full size and bears the fruit.These fruits start by growing downwards before they grow up towards the sun in large bunches.A fully grown bunch can weigh up to thirty-five kilos ,the bananas at the bottom being smaller than those nearer the top. As the bunches develop,the plants must be supported by stakes to prevent them from breaking or toppling over. Bananas are very easily damaged and consequently great care must be taken when they are harvested. They are picked by hand before they are fully ripe, as they continue to ripen after harvesting. These green bananas are carefully transported to a packing station where they are washed,treadted,and labeled so their origin can be traced. Bananas are easily peeled and digested, and contain important trace minerals as well as all the benefits of fresh fruit. They provide a quick, convenient yet healthy energy boost and are consequently popular with athletes and tennis players .in fact, bananas are the UK's favourite fruit - we eat more of them each year than any other Questions!:1. What does the text tell us about?2. How does the banana grow?3. Why must tbe plants be supported by stakes?4. How and when is the banana harvested? 5. What are the advantages of consuming banana?Tolong bantu jawab tenggat hari ini letagerlachulv – June 06, 2023
B. inggris Candles and oil lamp _____ light the houses before the light bulb invented. a. used to b. is used to c. was used to d. was used for letagerlachulv – June 05, 2023
B. Indonesia Wehen he walked closer to her, Datang sumbi got very surprised. She saw the scar in Sangkuriang 's Forehead, and soon she knew that he was her son, Who left her a long time ago. She told him the truth and tried hard to explain it to him, but ho did not believe her. She did not want to breate I his heart, so she accepted his Proposal but gave I hirm an impossible thing to doo She Wanted him to build a love and a boat in just one night! letagerlachulv – June 05, 2023
Matematika sebuah tiang listrik dapat berdiri tegak jika ditahan dgn tali kawat baja.Jika jarak dari patok pengikat terhadap tiang listrik adalah 4m dan tinggi tiang listrik 5m mkaa panjang tali kawat yg dibutuhkan adlah letagerlachulv – June 05, 2023
Kimia tulislah nama IUPAC dari alkanol dengn struktur sebagai berikut.tolong dijawab dong kak letagerlachulv – June 05, 2023
Matematika Quiz (spesial rank "Si Hebat") 1.) 2 × 9 =2.) 2! × 2 =3.) Ibu Dina membeli 10 donat, 5 donat telah dimakan anaknya dan 2 donat dimakan suaminya, berapakah donat yang tersisa? Note: Setelah semua perjuangan ini aku merasa puas melihat hasilnya, tetapi ada satu pertanyaan yg ada dipikiranku, sekarang aku harus apa . -. ? letagerlachulv – June 04, 2023